KLSS Instructors for Fall 2019
Dr. Terry Shiver

Terry D. Shiver is the senior leader for Christ Community Church and Training Center. He is Founder/President of Kingdom Equipping Ministries, a para-church ministry for equipping and activating the saints. He has an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and a PhD from Regent University in Renewal Studies with an emphasis in Church History. He is married to Nancy Shiver, and they have five boys. They live in Lake City, Florida.
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Sheryl is a gifted writer and life long educator who loves to encourage others to maximize their full potential. She is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Powerful Learning Practice, where she works with churches, schools, and districts from across the United States and around the world to re-envision their day-to-day practice, learning cultures and communities. She has a Bachelors of Science in Education and Masters of Education from Valdosta State University and is Doctoral candidate (ABD) at The College of William and Mary seeking a PhD in Education, Policy, Planning, and Leadership
Sheryl currently worships and serves at Christ Community Church and Training Center in Lake City, Florida. She lives in Valdosta, GA with her husband Travis Beach and a trio of dachshunds. Sheryl has four children and four grandsons. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter at @snbeach.